So I set this blog up over a year ago, fully intending to post pictures of home renovations, our family and friends, travel, etc... as you can see from my first test post below. And I really only set it up because I had this
very clever idea to call our blog "The Baer Necessities" But unfortunately someone else was just as clever and it was already taken. So being a big fan of alliteration and since we were newlyweds and all I went with Baer Beginnings, and I suppose it fits considering we really are always starting something new here at Milldale.
In fact, more often than not we're in the middle of several "somethings new". But our latest something is our biggest (and most expensive) something to date, so we're trying to stay focused on it (oh, and our chicken coop, and our garden, and our trip to Germany, and our yard... and our jobs.) We've just begun the process of renovating our galley kitchen which we've been planning to redo since we moved in back in March of 2010. So here we are almost 2 years later actually getting started on the kitchen... and the blog.
I have no false hopes of winning any awards with the creativity or content of Baer Beginnings, and it's not likely that HGTV will be looking to sign a book deal with us when we're done. You'll probably actually see more "what not to dos" than anything. This blog really has 3 purposes: (1) To share with friends and family what's going on at 10526 Milldale so you can see our progress [hopefully] along the way. (2) To let you see how much fun this is so you'll want to come help out! (3) To let you see how miserable this is so you'll feel sorry for us and want to come help out.
So if you'd like to follow along - for any of those above mentioned reasons or just because you're looking for distractions from your day job - join us on this long, fun?, stressful, and more-expensive-than-we'd-like journey.