We knew we were doing away with the paneling on the "front" wall where the new bank of cabinets are going, but we thought we were going to keep it on the other 2 walls. However, when we were pulling off the crown molding to scrape popcorn, we proceeded to pretty much destroy a lot of the paneling near the ceiling. It was probably our subconscious which really despised that paneling that caused us to be so careless with it. End result - no more paneling in the kitchen. We ripped it all out and will replace it with drywall.
Seems to be the way most everything has gone with this project... we plan to do something small, but it always turns into something bigger, more complex.
You can't tell, but this corner where the paneling meets the drywall in the nook is where we really screwed up the paneling. This was the moment of the "complete-paneling-removal" decision. |
The nook had paneling only on the bottom half, under the chair rail. We were excited to discover drywall behind this paneling. |
We were hoping to find some hidden treasure in between the walls, in the framing. Or at least something cool like human bones or something. Nope... just rat poo, dust, dirt, old insulation. Boring. |
Tearing it down was pretty fun... |
The realness of this project is really starting to sink in.
oh my. that looks awesome